Monday, November 23, 2009

This is us having dinner in

These are some shots  of Ljubljana.


This is a picture of Hum, the worlds smallest town.

This is a photo of samurai armor from a museum in Rijeka

This is a dead sea turtle that was in a museum  in Rijeka

This is me on a tour our that friend Joni took us on. Isn't it an awesome photo!

Monday, November 16, 2009

This is a photograph of a castle called Miramare in Trieste, Italy. It was built for Ferdinand Maximilian, who had been emperor of Mexico,but was shot 7 years after it was completed.
This is a photo of a mummified cat that was found in a house's basement in Kastav. It was in a very cool art gallery.

these are the clothes of a WWII survivor, who recently passed away. they are the kind that were worn in nazi concentration camps.

yes croatians speak english

to answer an earlier comment, many croatians speak english.  in fact almost every kid my age speaks very good english

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Where I've been

This shows where I have been in the world. Blue means I have been there. Red means I have lived there. Press the plus button to zoom in.

Monday, November 9, 2009

This is a lamp post. The locks symbolize the love between the two owners of the names written on the locks. If one of the people who writes on the lock wants to break up with the other person, then they have to dive to get the key to the lock.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Croatians do not celebrate Halloween. Instead they celebrate All Saints Day the next day. All Saints Day is very big in Croatia. Here are some photos of what they do on All Saints: